Clown Loach Care

Clown Loaches photo courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons user lindsay sorensen
Scientific Name: Chromobotia macracanthus

Origin: Indonesia, Borneo

Life-span: over 20 years

Temperature:  77° to 83°F  (22 to 30°C)

Food: Flake food, bloodworms, tubifex, brine shrimp, algae wafers, frozen foods, vegetables  like cucumber, zucchini, and peas

Care:  Clown loaches like aquariums with live plants, driftwood, and rocks.  They like to hide but also swim out in the open.  Many people have a single clown loach in their aquarium, but the clown loach is actually a schooling fish and should be kept in groups of at least three.  A major bonus of having a clown loach is that they eat snails!  If you buy live plants you may inherit a snail problem and the clown loach is a great remedy.

The clown loach can get quite large, 12-13 inches.  Don't be fooled by the size they are sold at in pet stores.  Keep this in mind before purchasing a school of clown loaches.  However, despite their gigantic size, they are a very peaceful fish and do great even with small fish like guppies.

One of my clown loaches constantly swims upside down.  It alarmed me at first because I though it was sick, but I've now had them over a year and they are healthy as can be.  It is also said that the clown loach emits a clicking noise, but I've never heard mine make the noise so I can't describe it personally.  (Mine are only about five inches so maybe they aren't big enough!)  If you have any insight on this please feel free to leave a comment!

Sexing: Females are plumper and males are more slender

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