Betta Care

 Fish Name: Betta
betta fish Siamese Fighting Fishsrc=

Scientific Name: Betta splendens

Origin: Cambodia, Thailand

Temperature: 75-80 degrees

Food: Betta pellets, brine shrimp, bloodworms

Betta splendens
Care:  Bettas are commonly sold in tiny jars and containers.  THIS IS NOT GOOD FOR THEM!  Get them a real tank!  You cannot keep more than one male together; otherwise they will fight to the death.  This is how they get the name “Siamese fighting fish”.  They grow 2-3 inches long and live 2-3 years.  Males have larger fins.  When mating, the male builds a bubble nest on the surface, fertilizes the female’s eggs, and then uses his mouth to place the eggs in the bubble nest at the surface.  The eggs hatch in 2-3 days and the fry remain in the nest another couple days.  The male guards the nest until the babies leave it.

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