Long Snout Halfbeak Care

Fish Name:  Long Snout Halfbeak , also sometimes referred to as Forest Halfbeak

Scientific Name: Hemirhamphodon pogonognathus

Origin:  Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, and Indonesia

Size:  Up to four inches.  Males get slightly longer than females

Temperature:  72-82 degrees F

Food:  In the wild, long snout halfbeaks eat insects, primarily mosquitos and spiders that land on the water.  They prowl the surface of the water in between plants watching for the insects to drop.  These fish can also be carnivorous.  Feed them flake food, frozen and live bloodworms, and brine shrimp.

Breeding:  Long snout halfbeaks are livebearers.  They have about 30-40 fry and lay them a few at a time for a period of about two weeks.

Interesting fact:  Long Snout Halfbeaks are aggressive fish, especially towards each other.  In some Asian countries people gamble on fights between male fish, similar to Siamese fighting fish (bettas).

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